Big data.

Let us help you uncover the hidden gems within your data,

 unlock new business opportunities. 


Use your data.

Our Data Engineers are ready to use intelligence derived from your existing data with AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Hbase, Cassandra, Databricks, and others.


Extract big data intelligence for a view of the big picture & next-gen solutions. Minimize time-to-value with scalable platforms, high bandwidth, and accelerated analytics.

Predict the future.

Predict future events to identify risks, improve efficiency and quality, and develop competitive products and services using statistical and machine learning methods.


Hadoop - Cloudera - Hortonworks - AWS - Azure - Google -Cloud - Python - Hive - Kafka - Kibana - Deep Learning - Machine Learning - Artificial Neural Networks - Large-Scale Statistical Methods - Data Modelling - R - TensorFlow - Spark - Scala.