Saulo García Saulo García

Kotlin Flow Basics - Part 1

Kotlin Flow is a new JetBrains Stream Processing library built on top of Kotlin Coroutines. Its main goal is to provide a standard for asynchronous streaming…

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Elias Mills Elias Mills

Unnatural Language Processing

As a data scientist, the data I work with comes in two forms: structured and unstructured. Structured data is straightforward: columns represent features, rows represent observations…

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Tony Gonzalez Tony Gonzalez

2020: The Importance of Collaboration Tools

Nowadays, everyone has been impacted by the pandemic situation that our country and the rest of the world is facing. Students taking classes form home, employees working from home…

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James Johnson James Johnson

Pro tips: Cybersecurity working from home

For anyone that is working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I would like to take a moment and discuss a significant issue that will affect us all. That is cybersecurity…

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Dalo Chinkhwangwa Dalo Chinkhwangwa

Simplicity for Complexity

Often times when it comes to technology, most developers are entangled with development complexities, using complex solutions to sometimes solve simple problems…

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Jeremy Samuelson Jeremy Samuelson

The REAL Correct Way to Handle Missing Data

An important part of my job as the principal data scientist of a consultancy is interviewing and hiring data science talent to meet the needs of our ever-growing client base…

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