“Good afternoon, good evening and good night”

When creating mobile applications or software in general it is important to have a design goal in mind. First, we outline the desired goal, such as the requirements of the application or basically the general purpose of the application. 

Once the goal has been established – now comes the hard work, which is the development, testing and debugging of the application. This is the overall most demanding portion of the process, as in most cases this is where time and resources are required most. Resources being developers, suitable computers, as well as test devices if need be. 

If executed poorly, this process can take longer than planned and budgeted for, so it is crucial that execution is done at a professional level. Last but not least we have the deployment stage, which entails releasing the application to production. In the case of Android applications this would be releasing either an entirely new app to the Google PlayStore, or release an updated app version (bug fixes, feature updates etc.) as well as creating the right marketing strategies.

All these three steps are categorised within the seven phases of the Software Development lifecycle, as shown below:

·       Requirement gathering and analysis

·       Design

·       Implementation or coding

·       Testing

·       Deployment

·       Maintenance

It is safe to categorise these into the different times and greetings of the day as Truman said on the Truman Show Movie – “Good afternoon, good evening and good night!”

Planning – Good afternoon

Development – Good evening

Testing – Good night!

The development process is iterative – just as the days are.

Until next time! 


Kotlin Flow Basics - Part 1