Industry Solutions


Explore our stories of success working for leading companies in the UK and around the world.



For eBay, we successfully performed manual testing and UI Automation testing tasks to perfect their systems and processes.

A.C. Wilgar

For A.C Wilgar we started by working on their existing SureFire app, successfully taking it to the next level. Next, we went on to fully develop their BoilerQuoteWizzard business app. 


Royal Bank of Scotland

ITC iOS Developers Made successful code modifications to fix issues and created custom UIControls for easier and more dynamic processes.  To create a responsive and easily customisable forms, we used UITableViews together with UIStackViews to create custom UIControls to specifically suit our needs. This custom control creation then made the process a lot easier to be able to create very dynamic forms based on different energy providers. We made this UIControls as an independent frameworks, thus it made it very easy to re-use these forms in other projects at RBS.


For McDonald’s we provided the tech support needed at the time, proposed new EMR solutions and successfully implemented them until all goals were completed.

Abbott Labs

For Abbott Labs, ITC performed a successful research to create the new framework for new app features and special chip readers.


For Mkodo, ITC carefully provided coding solutions (added a variable to check whether translation should be provided or key should be returned) that solved in one hour, issues that were expected to be solved in weeks. We also fixed specific bugs, and created new features in their app that were successfully implemented.

Doctor Care Anywhere

With Doctor Care Anywhere we completed Android App co-development duties that they thought would take much longer, within half of the expected times, all using our regular practices. We refactored existing Async task API calls into RxJava within half of the time expected and used a white labelled version of the app instead of creating duplicate source code for each client.

Charter Communications

Successfully enhanced new features on their Spectrum TV app.

Dixon’s Carphone

We implemented a new payment system using Web API for integration. We used Cookies and WKWebView and JavaScript Hooks to interact with the buttons and convert native actions links to Web APIs directly.

National Express

Senior Level Developer duties on NE’s internal enterprise app.


Currently creating a new SDK in Swift and mapping out plans and strategies for other developers.


Successfully worked on the Sony Playstation App.

VHI Healthcare

For VHI Healthcare, ITC successfully performed Swift, MVVM-C, ALM, and Unit testing duties.


Successfully worked on both the CarAndAway App and the FootAsylum App.

US Bank

We successfully developed the US Bank iOS App and continue to work on new features and actualizations. 



2 of our Data Scientists successfully participated in The Geo Spatial project.



Implemented a system to keep track of which sections were expanded, so that even when the user changed their selections or logged into an account with a bookkeeper and caused the list to reorder, they would still be able to track the sections they had been looking at.


For this client we performed successful new feature development, bug fixing, and code migrations.



We transmitted SDK, JWTS, Kotlin shortcuts, universal links, lead a complete offshore team, completed security certifications, and code corrections..